Pip’s Island, an Immersive, Theatrical Performance Like No Other!

Love theater but afraid your kids won’t sit still long enough to make the ticket purchase worthwhile?  Or have you been there done that and are now looking for something new?  Even the most jaded New Yorker is sure to find Pip’s Island, a new interactive, theatrical production playing in Chelsea for a limited time only, exciting and new.  Forget the traditional stage and seating.  No, think total immersion and exploration!  It’s an hour-long adventure led by  Pip and his pals, Pebble and Finn.  And it’s a NY performance that your kids won’t want to miss!

nyc things to do with kids, kids theater nycIt all starts with the invitation to try on special explorer vests.  Getting costumed up is something all kids seem to enjoy and this helps build anticipation for what awaits.


I tried to explain to my 3.5 year old that these safari – like jackets were going to help us get in the mood for our little adventure.  But I honestly had very little idea of what to expect.  Their whimsical website was certainly intriguing though and knew I was in for an experience like no other.   “Incorporating the latest curriculum guidelines and play trends, Pip’s Island is guaranteed to empower its audience through sheer wonder.”dsc_4027

We were given a brief overview of our mission which was basically to to help solve a mystery and fight off the villain.  The story line without going into full detail will bring out the inner superhero in kids of all ages.  By walking through a fantastical tree, you enter Pip’s Island, a magical, faraway world.  And with the help of fellow adventurers, you move through 5 rooms all filled with wonderous objects and themes that invite touch, lure childhood play, and excite curiosity.  Children are encouraged to help find, make, build, and carry items.  They practice power moves, tackle puzzles and celebrate with bubbles. We weren’t allowed to take photos or videos once inside but suffice it to say this was Disney – level: set, costume and production!

It was such a treat to be able to enjoy something so special, so unique, so kid-centric, yet fun for adults too!

dsc_4035We sincerely thank Pip’s Island for graciously asking us to partake and review their show.  It made for a fun-filled family memory.  And we thoroughly enjoyed it!


Pip’s Island is at Skylight Modern. (537 West 27th Street)
performances through Sunday, January 8, 2017.
Tickets are $50 per person discounted tickets on BroadwayBox.com
  1. becky says:

    This is so cute! I wish I could have gone!

  2. claudia says:

    I love the theme.

    1. fabgab says:

      It was seriously cute.

  3. Daria says:

    This is so cool!

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