How I survived my 1st Booty Workout (with Boudreoux Butt Paste and MomTrends Bloggers at Exhale Spa)


It takes a lot for me to motivate, get to the gym and workout.  I don’t like to sweat.  What can I say… Buuuuut when Mom Trends mentioned I would get compensated to workout at Exhale Spa in the Gansevoort hotel, I was sold.  After all my booty could use a kick in the ass, I figured.  So thanks to our sponsor, Boudreaux’s Butt Paste, I found myself contorting, squatting, crunching, lunging, and yes, sweating.


Not sure what to expect other than to be tired that morning, I gulped down some coffee and arrived early to check out the impending torture chamber, er I mean classroom.  Alas I soon found out that I had nothing to be worried about.  The teacher was super friendly and gave me that extra jolt of energy and support I needed.

buttpastebooty, mom bloggers, nyc bloggers, mom fitness, mom workout

By the time the rest of the classroom filled, I felt the full support of all the moms in tow.  It felt fun working out with such a community around me!

nyc mom blogers

Here I am praying I make it through the whole class!

barre class, nyc equinox

The mixture of different movements was a challenge but actually didn’t leave me drenching in sweat (which is a good thing in my book!)


It was more like a steady tension in all my muscles with the class pushing my boundaries and stretching my comfort zones.  Such simple moves yet so effective.

barre workout

These planks and ab crunches were the most challenging for me.  Does anyone else post c-section feel like their abs will never be back to shape?  My ab muscles (after being sliced up and sewn back together), just do not work like they used to.  Here I am trying my hardest to hold it together..

momtrends event, equinox at gansevoort2N9A3871

The Boudreaux’s Butt Paste press release says it’s “tough on diaper rash, gentle on baby’s booty.”  Well I can tell YOU that this butt paste – inspired booty class was NOT gentle on MINE.  I got an intense workout that I will surely feel for days.  This was maximum strength for sure!

diaper cream, boudreaux

I love this diaper cream and used it a lot during Juliet’s younger days.  The flip top is a smart new feature and I love that it provides the thickest barrier of protection with 40% zinc oxide, free of dyes, parabens, preservatives, phthalates and talc.  Safe and smart, it’s pediatrician (and Fab Gab) recommended!


Post workout ,we enjoyed tasty treats, a mini massage and some fun photo opps.  Oh if only those perks came with every workout perhaps I’d be doing it more…

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Thanks so much for the invite, MomTrends! It was a kick-ass way to end the week!

momtrends event, equinox, nyc bloggers

Now where’s my ice cream….





July 4th Macy’s Firework Tickets

july 4th fashion, mommy and me matching outfits, july 4th macy's firework tickets

We’ve been getting in the July 4th spirit with red white and blue fashions all week long and are excited to finally see the fireworks tonight at South Street Seaport Museum.  Join us on Pier 16 to enjoy the 40th Anniversary of Macy’s July 4th Fireworks display!  It’ll be sure to not disappoint. Plus there will be drinks from Flagship Brewery and local food trucks to keep you well – fed and hydrated.  Kids of all ages are welcome but parents should expect very loud noises being that the fireworks will be set off from a barge directly off Pier 16.

Fab Gab readers get $10 off advance tickets by clicking HERE!

Have a fab fourth everyone! (click through for ideas on how to celebrate with style!)

mommy and me matching outfit, july 4th fashions, july 4th kids fashion, july 4th macy's fireworks tickets

Tonight: From 5pm to 10:30pm, with fireworks beginning at approximately 9:25pm. Get there early to reserve your spot (bring blankets, picnic and / or lawn chairs)

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