Style Diary: Pink Dress

I attribute my increasing appreciation for pink to the many breast cancer charity events that I’ve planned, promoted and executed.  It’s the color of choice.  It’s symbolic.  It’s supportive.  It’s feminine.  And it creates awareness.  I used to hate wearing the color.  And still to this day there are certain shades that cause a gag reflex in me – baby pink for instance, is just too …girly (yes! even for me!)

This year already, I’ve spearheaded 4 breast cancer related charitable events, all of course emphasizing the color pink in one way or another.  And so I’ve had to find shades that suit me.  Somehow in the process, the color has really grown on me.

I found this Zara dress and just had to have it.  It was perfect for my many pink-themed events, had the requisite sleeves thus making it appropriate for work and was in a shade I could stand to rock.

I paired it with my Prada purse, also worn in other style diary entries, a giant jeweled necklace from Express and my Marc Jacob lookalike flats also worn here,

I’ve got to get the dress lengthened now that I look at these pictures.  Either my legs are longer than I remember or these Zara dresses are cut like minis!

What’s your favorite shade of pink? And what would you call this shade?

Style Diary: Rainy Day Outfit -summer

I was surprised to see that “rainy day outfits” was one of my blog’s most frequent google search terms.  First on the ranking was even more startling…”andrej pejic” the male model that I wrote about once – yea just once.  When people search his name apparently they come across my blog for the first time.  His name is my blog’s most frequent search term with Olivia Palermo and rainy day outfits a close second and third.

It got me thinking that I need to write more about these 3 hot topics.  So here I am posting my summer rainy day outfit, sort of as a continuation of my earlier post.

This outfit is a TJMaxx find, sorta a onesie for adults lol.  It’s by Nanette Lepore.  I’ve paired it with my favorite insulated wellies by Kamik, a studded belt and a necklace from a Korean boutique in NJ that I frequent.

Speaking of wellies, I just ran into the cutest pair from Kate Spade.  The Randi style runs about $107 and comes in a few colors.  My favorites are the fushia and the cream.  Don’t you love the bow detail?


Ok and now onto the umbrella – did you notice how uniquely clear it was?  These types of umbrellas were all the rage in Japan and ever since my trip there, I just had to get one. If you need a new umbrella, you might want to check out

One of my favorites is this beautiful fushia vintage one for $129.

And I thought this white ruffly one was perfect for a wedding or a little girl.

Their umbrella selection is so cute that you’ll actually find yourself looking forward to rain.  Another of my favorite umbrella finds is this comical black umbrella.  What looks like your average and basic black umbrella is really a ray of sunshine from underneath.  Can you say, “rain rain go away?”



© 2024 Stylishly Stella