Everything You Wanted To Know About Microblading with Glamor Skin

Glamor Skin Review with FAQs

What is microblading?

Microblading is the latest eyebrow craze.  It’s a modernized, semi-permanent make-up where, through manual process of inserting pigment into the upper layers of skin, you can create fuller brows without looking overly cosmetic.   It’s a more natural, hair-like stroke than the traditional eyebrow tattoo. And effects can last up to 12-24 months, or sometimes up to 3 years depending on your skin type and metabolic rate.


glamor skin review, glamor skin spa, glamor skin microblading

Some may argue that eyebrows are your face’s most important feature.  And oftentimes, people are born with splotchy or uneven eyebrows that just need some filling in.  Some have medical conditions that affect their brows (anxiety, cancer, alopecia for instance).  Mine are simply sparse – hardly even there.   And while there are various brow gels, pencils, and eyebrow powders in the market, not all of us have the expertise, or time to perfectly draw them in.   And even if we do, the made-up brows are prone to wash or wipe off while swimming or simply sweating.  Microblading  is helpful to those who want to cover gaps, fill-in over-plucked brows, define, or re-shape their current brows in a semi-permanent and natural – looking manner.

How much is it 

Prices can range from $400-$800 in the New York City area. Glamor Skin charges a fairly reasonable (considering it’s Manhattan) $650 – $750 depending on whether you add in shading along with blading or not.  Waking up with perfectly shaped, smudge-proof brows… priceless!  Considering brow extensions which only last 2-3 weeks at $300-350 each session in NY, microblading doesn’t seem that expensive.

glamor skin microblading, glamor skin review

How long will it take? 

You should allot 3 hours. (Mine however only took about 2 hours even with all the picture and video taking for this post).  The relaxing spa music and sweet conversational manner of the technician, Sophia made the time go fast.  After a month it is recommended that you follow-up with a touch-up once all the healing has completed and pigmentation has settled.  That took around 30 minutes I think.


Before the microblading begins, precise measurements are made and the framework is drawn.  Look how funny I look during this phase.  And see how my 20 year-old eyebrow tattoo was sparse to begin with and needed a touch-up?

glamor skin nyc, glamor skin ny, fidi spa, fidi microblading

I loved how Sophia really took the time to listen to my desires, meticulously draw in the shape and ask for feedback along the way.   I’d be weary of places who rushed this all-important drafting step.  This sort of detail requires precision and time.  Be weary of anyplace that promises microblading in an hour or rushes a consult because you’ll want someone as perfectionist as Sophia at Glamor Skin who takes the time to get it right.

A special microblading pen is used to draw on individual strokes one by one.  Don’t you love how hers is all blinged out?  I need a diamond like that on all my pens!

The best part about the technique is that there is no down time. Your new set of brows will be ready for a selfie immediately after the process. The pro, however, does recommend a follow-up one month after your appointment. “The healing process is different for everyone, and it takes between 25 and 30 days. After a month we recommend a 40-minute touch-up to most customers.”

You’ll want to go in for a touch-up session every year or two after the initial one.


They say no pain no gain but with the topical numbing cream, I experienced no pain and all the gain! .Just make sure to follow the prep instructions and avoid alcohol and caffeine.  The only time I experienced any discomfort was at my 2nd (follow-up session) where I did notice some tenderness towards the end of my touch-up procedure.  But that was because I had forgotten to avoid the caffeine within the 24 hours period prior to procedure thanks to my mommy brain and my coffee addiction.

See my IG highlights section and watch the whole procedure being done without me wincing. And that’s saying a lot because I have zero tolerance for pain!  The most painful part was definitely the abstaining from caffeine part!

Prep and Recovery? 

You’ll be given a clear instruction set for rules 24-48 hours before the procedure, the hardest one possibly being that you have to abstain from caffeine and alcohol as mentioned above.  What mom can live without?  haha Post-procedure, because Sophia uses the latest techniques which results in a faster healing and less peeling, you’ll have to do nothing but apply a clear cream every few hours.  I walked out without looking red or abnormal in any way.  (see pic below for how I looked a minute after procedure!)  And the healing process for me was so easy.  I just tried to stay out of the sun, avoided getting eyebrows wet and applied cream as instructed.  I was able to go about my daily life, without shades to hide behind, and without worrying I looked scabbed or feeling anything weird.  Results (see picture) looked natural and were according to our mutual plan. Shockingly I experienced absolutely no redness, swelling or visible scabbing throughout the entire healing process. Easy peasy, guys!  Or girls shall I say?  Most of my readers are female but really this procedure is so natural looking that I’d highly recommend men with sparse brows getting it done too!


Glamor Skin is in the Financial District of lower Manhattan at 115 Broadway suite 1800 off of Thames st.

glamor skin, fidi skin, fidi spa, fidi beauty, fidi microblading

It is in a beautiful wellness – themed, shared office which is clean, modern and serene.  You’ll love it.

Sophia was extremely knowledgeable, took time to listen to my wishes and concerns and had an excellent professional demeanor.  Just looking at her own perfect brows (and skin) should give anyone comfort in knowing they’re in the right hands.   Oh and yes, she’s a: licensed esthetician who is certified and Insured.  (in case you were wondering)

I highly recommend GlamorSkin!  And from the looks of Yelp so do others!  She has a 5 star rating, people!

My readers and followers (that’s YOU!) can receive $50 off microblading just by mentioning me or this blog.  And if you want to try the lash lift and tint, fee is a reduced $99.  Check out her IG for all her before and afters!


This was a sponsored post but as always, all opinions expressed are 100% my own.
  1. Wow those results are amazing! I didn’t even now this process existed, but I definitely needed to know!

    1. I’m glad you found this informative!

  2. Diana says:

    I didn’t know much about microblading till this post, so thanks for sharing your experience! It’s not really my thing, but I can see how some women might like it.

    1. You’re so welcome. Please share with a friend who’d be interested!

  3. Vidya Tiru says:

    wow! did not realize that such a service was available too. i am sure there are so many people who will benefit from this. and love how you described the process and the place..

    1. It’s amazing what we can do to enhance our features huh?

  4. Carmela says:

    You look stunning!

    1. aw thank you so much!

  5. Laura says:

    Such an interesting post! Really in-depth about the whole process.

    Laura // em-andme.com

    1. I’m so glad you found it to be informative! Thanks for the comment!

  6. Marjie Mare says:

    My sister in law is swearing that micro blading is the best thing ever. I guess after reading your post, I have to give it a try.

    1. You should. And now you have my discount 🙂

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