Why You should Try The Green Pinata Toy Rental Subscription Service

As a parent, you always think you know what’s best.  But with toys, it’s sort of a guessing game picking and choosing what you think your child will love.  Sometimes you’ll find that the child is more interested in the box and packing materials that the toy came in than the toy itself.  Sometimes, your child seems excited at first but then quickly bores of the new item and moves on leaving you losing all confidence in buying items that will really entice him/her in the long run.  This is why Green Pinata, is such an innovative subscription plan!

green pinataGreen Pinata does the research for you and finds well-designed, educational toys for your child to try out.  The toxin-free toys in each “piñata” come from reputable companies such as Greentoys, HABA, Plan Toys, and Hape.  $24.99/month gets you a new box every month. Use the toys for as long as you wish, and keep anything you love.  Green Piñata only charges 30% off the kept toy’s Amazon price!  (What a deal!)

Juliet and I had so much fun unboxing our pinata! It’s the perfect gift to give that new mom or picky child!  And it’s the gift that keeps on giving!

Each toy is carefully chosen to be developmentally appropriate.  This toy for instance, challenged Juliet to use her fine motor skills to accurately place the wooden number onto the corresponding card’s puzzle piece sort of indentation which promoted number recognition, counting and number sequence.  After she was able to place all the numbers, I was happy to find that she was also able to arrange the cards in the correct sequence without my help – smarty pants!

green pinata toys

She just turned 3 last weekend but already counts to 30 on her own!  We’re moving onto 40.

The lacing beads from Plan Toys were fascinating to her because it was the first time she found herself being able to turn her toy into an accessory.  The colorful wooden beads not only promoted a conversation about color, shape and counting, but they also challenged her to string them all together, something her tiny 3 year old hands surpringly got the hang of.  And soon enough, she had made herself a new necklace – what a perfect toy for a minifashionista!

green pinata toys, toys, green pinata review

The magnetized maze within fish form proved to be mesmerizing because she had never tried such a board game before.  Plus she loves Nemo and this reminded her of her fishy little friend!

hape toys, green pinata, subscription plans for kids

Puzzles are a classic.  And since Juliet likes puzzles but tends to bore of them, I was happy to find this age-appropriate puzzle in her pack.

puzzle, kids puzzle, best puzzle for toddlers, non-toxic toys

Overall, we were impressed with the entire subscription box and would highly recommend it.  If you want to give it a try, use discount code GP83237 for $10 off of first month


What do you think?  Would you try this out?

This review was sponsored but all opinions are 100% my own.  Please see Green Pinata for more information and answers to FAQs.


  1. Great service. Some kids are so peaky and then you are left with toys that you don’t want and they don’t use. This is definitely a great option for those kids. Thanks for sharing.

    1. fabgab says:

      Thanks for reading and commenting Sabrina! I’ll check out your blog now!

  2. Jamie Steele says:

    What a great service! I never knew what my child would actually play with when he was a toddler. I will definitely pass this info on to Mom’s with young ones.

    1. fabgab says:

      Thanks for the comment and yes, this is definitely worthy of a recommendation!

  3. Hope says:

    So cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love the photos and what kids wouldn’t like those cool gifts?

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