Kids Fashion Week: Petite Parade New York

northwest at fashion show north west

Unlike Northwest, my minifashionista does not whine, squirm and cry when waiting for a fashion show to start.  Quite the opposite, she giggles with nearby (new) friends, tries out her own runway walk, and claps and bops to the music.

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Post-fashion show, she can’t seem to get enough and asks to see more videos of her experience.  And she does this EVERYDAY.  Just like mommy, she can’t seem to get enough of fashion week.  Here are some of of the looks from our favorite fashion show this year, Little Miss Galia.

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The clothes from Miss Galia’s collection looked special, luxe and girly.  I loved the styling details with the birdcage veils, gloves and fur collar toppers and want to dress Juliet in each and every look.  This is the brand to shop if your little girl wants a little glam!

Above photo from Kim Myers Photography

Finally, here is a great video wrap-up of Petite Parade’s Kids Fashion Week.  (We are at the 55 second mark).



Fab Kids: My favorite Fab Kids Fashion Moments of 2014

I started @fab_kids on Instagram as part of my growing obsession with minifashionistas from around the world.  I loved how the internet put me in touch with fashion-obsessed moms like myself and allowed access into the lives, wardrobes and stylings of the littlest trendsetters of them all – their adorable kids.  Here is a quick review of some of my favorite Fab Kids fashion moments of 2014.  Who’s your favorite??


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Then there’s all the pairings, trios and multiples that were just so cute they blew your mind!

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As you can see, kids these days are accessorizing to the nines and really upping the fashion standard on your local playground!  I think we could all learn a thing or two from these little lookers.  Follow @fab_kids for daily inspiration!  And here’s to another fabulous year in 2015!

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