4 Tips For Parents of Picky Eaters

Does your child hate to sit down for a meal?  Does he/she love veggies one day and then have no interest in them another day?  Does he/she stress you out with his/her picky eating?  If so, try these 4 tips for picky eaters

  1.  Cut out shapes.  A pancake, omelette, or sandwich for instance, can easily turn into a fun shape with the help of a cookie cutter.  I like to incorporate this idea into all my holiday meals.  (stars for fourth of July, hearts for Valentine’s, bears for an animal themed 2nd birthday). picky eaters, tips for picky eaters, pancakes, food art toddler foodIf you have time to get more elaborate, you can even use a bento cutter like my bear face cutter (used below) and have your child help you draw a face (with edible markers). edible marker IMG_0746
  2. Slice and Skewer.  Has your toddler suddenly banned fruit or veggies? instagram.com_2015-07-02_22-21-52 party foodmeisterdishSkewers seem to magically disguise previously unwanted foods.  It has worked for me and maybe it will work for you.
  3. Choose fun dishes.  We use these fun Fred & Friends dishes – here are some examples of how you can decorate them with food.face dishfred and friendsThe melamine hairstyle versions featured above are the nonbreakable versions and what I’d recommend for babies and toddlers. Skiphop, Sanrio and Disney are all great bets too if your child has a favorite character like Mickey, or Hello Kitty.
  4. Enlist their help!  My daughter has had so much fun helping me mix ingredients together during our cooking and baking sessions that she now asks to sleep with her whisk she loves it so much!  Getting her involved with the process of cooking has interested her in tasting the final product even more.

In the end, if all else fails, and your picky eater still won’t eat 3 sit-down meals, don’t fret.  Rest assured in knowing that pediatricians say that as long as they have 1 decent meal and are growing at a normal weight and height that you don’t have to pull your hair out worrying and stressing.  It’s true that some days, they’ll be good eaters and others they won’t but hopefully, these tips will add some fun and interest back into his/her eating habits.

What other tips would you add?

Here are links of where to buy some of the items listed here!

Fab Decor: Valentine’s 2015

Post-princess party, I couldn’t bare to take down the decor right away even if I had lived with pieces of it for 2 weeks leading up to it during the planning and setup stages.  So I re-used it for Valentine’s by taking down the Sophia The First #disneyside elements and keeping the fuschia pink fabric on the foam core board.  Juliet’s boyfriend (yes she’s not yet two and has a Valentine already), gave her the sweetest Hello Kitty card which I posted as the centerpiece to our Valentine’s backdrop.


Before this was up though, I gave Juliet a little pre-Valentine’s breakfast treat – heart shaped pancakes.  She helped me mix the batter and loved getting to add the red sprinkles on top.

dessert table backdrop

I know this is a late Valentine’s post but I hope you all had a happy Valentine’s!

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On Valentine’s day, we made Valentine’s themed art and played at Kidville’s awesome new gym in the Financial District of NYC.

valentine's outfit

Below are some videos from Kidville’s Valentine party, Citibabes where she’s riding a horse, and a baby photo shoot with her friend.  As you can see, it was a fun-filled Valentine’s weekend for little Juliet!

IMG_2138I can’t get enough of matching outifts in photo shoots, so here’s another one!  Thanks for this pic, Suzanne (from Gotham Love photography)!



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