3 Reasons To Take Your Toddler To an Art Gallery – Misaki Kawai The Cave Life

misaki kawai, cave life

I love art and so does Juliet.  We’ve enrolled her in art classes since age 18months and she has happily and proudly made her own art at various school settings and at home ever since!  She often comes running over to us at school pick-up excitedly telling us, “I made this for YOU!!” And we’ve already collected a mountain of her artwork, turning our fridge and sometimes her playhouse into a virtual art gallery.  One way we’ve encouraged her love of art is to take her to art galleries around the city.  Here are the 3 main reasons galleries are great places to take a toddler. 

misaki kawai, cave life

  1. It’s a mommy and me outing that doesn’t SUCK.  There comes a time (usually weekly) where you’ve had enough of the playgrounds and indoor play pits.  Anyone relate to this?  Kids running around, crying and screaming while your mind goes numb and you look into your phone as your only outlet for parental pleasure…  Sometimes you need to mix it up!  Take your kids to a kid-friendly art gallery for some education and culture that feeds both your minds and souls.  How many times can you say you left inspired after leaving the playground?? misaki kawai, cave life
  2. Experience the culture without the overwhelm.  Toddlers (and plenty of adults) have short attention spans.  Instead of trying to cover an entire museum in one day in order to try and get your money’s worth,  (after all you could be forking over $20 admission at a famed NYC museum), you can expect to dedicate anywhere from 10minutes to a half an hour at a gallery for free while feeling the same accomplishment and satisfaction of having completed an artsy, worthwhile experience.  Small doses feel manageable.  Avoid the overwhelm and ensure yourself a happy toddler.misaki kawai, cave life
  3. It encourages curiosity and creativity.  Win mommy of the week award (if there ever was such a thing) by enriching your child’s life with the joy of exploration, curiosity AND creativity.  Juliet actually told me the other day at our last gallery outing, “Mommy, I love going on adventures with you.  this is so exciting!”  You never know what you may find!  In today’s case, we found an all yellow room, with fun painted furniture in the shape of bananas, snakes and bones.  The large-scale paintings, and wall murals seemed straight out of a child’s imagination.  Juliet immediately related and was quick to tell me about her favorite finds.cave life, nyc art, nyc art gallery, 312 bowery, the hole

If you’re interested in checking out this sunny space, go to 312 Bowery to a gallery space named “The Hole” before this “Cave Life” exhibit by Misaki Kawai ends on October 30th.  Note that it is only open Wednesday – Sunday 12pm-7pm and is by the Bleeker Street 6 train and Broadway-Lafayette B, D, F and M trains.

It promises to bring out the kid in all of us.  Juliet and I went home and continued to talk about what we saw and even tried to replicate some of the artwork at home!

misaki kawai, cave life, nyc art gallery, the hole, art for kids

For more of our artsy adventures, check out our posts on  Refinery 29’s NYFW installation, NYC street art, and the Osgemeos gallery exhibit!






NYFW Minifashionista at the Rookie USA Fashion Show

rookie usa, nyfw kids, minifashionistarookie usa, nyfw ss17, nyfw kids fashion, kids fashion week

When Juliet sees pictures of mommy at fashion shows without her, she’ll ask, “Mommy how come I’m not there??”  And when I explain that I went to the show alone, she makes me promise, “next time you bring me.”  So whenever there is a kids’ fashion show or a fashion presentation (which I find easiest to take a toddler to), I do try and invite her so long as it doesn’t conflict with her school schedule.  This brings us to the Rookie USA kids Fashion Show held at Moynihan Station this NYFW.

kids at NYFW, minifashionista, nyc kids fashion, nyfw ss17, rookie usa fashion show, rookie usa

It was a must-see mommy and me show.   Haddad Brands presented it on Thursday, September 8th with hosts NBA great, Ray Allen and his wife Shannon and charitable partners, JDRF and Ray of Hope Foundation.  It was a series of kids’ fashion shows featuring top brands including:  Converse, Jordan, Nike, Hurley and Levi’s.

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Breaking up the series of 5 runway shows were live performances from Live Deejays, DJ AMira and Kayla, singer Bobbi MacKenzie, and break dancers, Street Justice Crew.  The breaks not only logistically allowed for backstage prep with all the celebrity mini-models, but also riled up the audience’s excitement and anticipation for what was to come.  I tell you, the energy in this room was palpable!  And I was so thankful we got to see so much with one sitting!  It was truly an entertaining NYFW experience!


Once the shows were over the crowd was on such a high.  None of us could stop smiling.  Just too much cuteness all around!img_0085 img_0087

When your outfits match the Empire State building, you need to capture the NY moment.

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Don’t you just love this very NY shot of Juliet carrying her Daily fashion magazine in front of the NY public library and an iconic NYC taxi?

nyfw magazine, minifashionista, the daily, daily magazine, nyc taxiFor more of this minifashionista’s NYFW SS 17 coverage, see our Instagram account, Vicky Zhang and Timo Weiland.  How did you enjoy NYFW this year?













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