Fab Decor: Jonathan Adler Decor

It’s a dreary, rainy day outside today so I thought I’d post a cheerful decor collage from one of my favorite NY designers, Jonathan Adler. He’s the interior designer behind Barbie’s Malibu dream house that I blogged about earlier.

Jonathan calls his style, “happy chic.”  And “happy chic” it is!

These pictures were all taken by me in his NYC showroom (of which he now has 12 across the U.S).  I love the geometric prints, the cheerful clash of colors and Jonathan’s quirky take on life, art, design and decor.

I just checked out his website and learned that he now allows fans to post their own pictures to show off what they’ve done with their purchased Jonathan Adler products.  I love what customer, Greg Natale did with his bedroom and bathroom pictured below.

Aren’t the JA mirror accents a fabulous contrast to this otherwise, sparse modern bathroom?

You know me, I love black and white pairings.  The above mix of geometric patterns works because of the dedication to a minimal 3color palette and variation in pattern size.

And in case you didn’t already know, Jonathan Adler also now offers free, downloadable wallpapers for you crackberry addicts!

If you haven’t already entered, don’t forget to enter to win a FabGab goody bag!

  1. Yvette says:

    Great collage!
    JA just knows how to mix & match colors, patterns, and textures. Happy Chic indeed.
    And those mirrors are to die for! I wouldn’t mind having them at home.

    1. fabgab says:

      I’m loving those mirrors too. They’re so unique!
      thanks for the comment and don’t forget to subscribe to be entered to win the goody bag giveaway

  2. Susan Yu says:

    Love it!!!!!! You are THE Fashion Guru!!! You got my next Chanel watch…I know I already have the white one with the ring, but the black one was next on my list:)

  3. Janell says:

    JA is the best designer for Fabgab to display, since of course, he is a fabgay 🙂

    1. fabgab says:

      Yes! He is a fab gay indeed.
      I just read his partner, Simon Doonan’s book, “the Beautiful People.” They’re the ultimate fab gay couple.

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