Our Not So Fab New Year’s Eve

It’s been 10 months since I’ve had baby Juliet which basically means that by now, I am very very tired.  That’s what months of sleepless nights, relentless parenting and constant worrying will do to you.  New Years Eve served to amplify how my life had changed.  The old me that used to take a nap during the day, dress up to go out and spend the wee hours dancing the night away was nowhere to be found.  When hubby agreed to watch the baby, I actually jumped at the opportunity to clean the bathroom.  (You never  have time to finish all your to dos when you have a baby).  Yea, I cleaned the bathroom on New Years Eve.  And instead of getting dressed up, we hung out in pajamas all night and found ourselves surrounded with milk bottles instead of champagne.  Baby was the only one drunk.  And at midnight, she vomited and made us clean it up.

black and white dress

As if that weren’t lame enough, we spent new years period dealing with shit – literally.  Hubby clogged up our bathroom toilet so bad that two different maintenance guys couldn’t clear it up.  We even bought 3 plungers and nothing worked.  What’s worse is that when we plunged the toilet, poo came up the shower drain and left the most disgusting puddle.  This of course had to happen when my out-of-town friend came to visit.  My hubby and I lamented at the “crappy” timing and figured we were “shit out of luck.”  I had no idea what we were going to do when she wanted to take the full house tour when she stopped by.  Then brilliantly, out of the blue, hubby looks her in the face and busts out the perfect line, “We’d show you our new bathroom, but we keep all our shit in there.”  I just looked up at him incredulously and wondered how he had crafted such a perfect excuse.

In the end, we celebrated: surviving our first year of parenting, the accomplishment of having changed thousands of diapers, and being able to keep the baby alive – together.  We did it.  And there was a lot to be thankful for.  We had a cute, healthy baby with an easygoing temperment, beautiful new apartment and the ability to renovate it to match our dreams -not to mention tons of fun memories from 2013.  The cliche’ is true.  Parenting is hard but it is rewarding.  The life changes and sacrifices you make are ones you never regret.

How did you celebrate?

Fab Finds for New Years Eve

I’m still not sure what new years eve with a 10 month old is going to look like for me and my family this year.  But I do know that our typical night out in New York City til the wee hours of the morning is probably going to be out of the question.  Perhaps we’ll sip champagne and celebrate in our (finally) newly renovated apartment. Or perhaps we’ll be too exhausted to even do that and simply focus on feeding Juliet yet another bottle of milky milk.

One of the best things about new years is of course choosing the fashion and for THAT (even though they may just be fantasy dresses given I’ll most likely be home), I do have ideas!  Here are some fab finds from one of my favorite sites, Rent the Runway.

rent the runway

Let’s start with the classic black dress.  Here are a couple interesting ones that add a little twist.

black dress

If you’re going for a pop of color, try these red or gold gowns.

new years eve dress

If you’re going for an elegant yet sexy look, I love this lace formal dress.

new years eve dress

If a short cocktail dress is a better fit for the occasion, here is a sample of the great options you can find on the site!

rent the runway

I rented jewelry from this site for my wedding as my something borrowed, and would totally recommend Rent the Runway.



© 2025 Stylishly Stella