Fab Decor: 13 Fabulous Ways to Decorate Your Pumpkin

I just visited my first pumpkin patch and was enraptured at all the possibilities – the colors, the shapes, the textures the sizes!

how to decorate pumpkins

Are any of you readers planning to buy a pumpkin this Halloween?  If so, what are your decoration plans?  Below are my fab decor suggestions for pumpkin decoration!  Let me know what your favorite(s) are!

fashionable pumpkins

Make your pumpkin work double-duty!  Slide a vase into the cut opening and add flowers.  Have a party theme?  Mine this year, is BOO-tiful Halloween Bash, so I”m writing ‘BOO’ with a black sharpie.  What would your message be?  6a013483ab2426970c013483ab3428970c-800wi

Show off your brand loyalty with some creative carving.  This is not for the novice pumpkin carver!6243903509_869b0a6ba6

If you’re on the artsy side, whip out some puffy paint and create ornate designs transforming your everyday pumpkin into Pinterest-worthy art!picture-1614

If you’re less artsy but still want the unique look, stick on some jewel stickers and you’ll be the talk of the neighborhood!picture-6008

If minimalism is more your style, buy a white pumpkin and let the inner orange shine through.  picture-8058

Have an old pair of lacy pantyhose?  Simply slip one on to your pumpkin for a sexy, sultry look!DSC_1243

This one is easy enough for a toddler to try.  Simply glue and stick!pumpkin42

If you’re a crafty girl, get the modge podge out and apply anything from magazine scraps to lace for a designer look.

pumpkin fashion

If carving is not your thing, consider applying washi tape or ribbon to your pumpkins.  Mix the patterns of ribbon and keep the placement standard like the picture above for a cute, curated look!6243879741_ee8da32e97

If bling is more your thing, stick-on crystals will make your pumpkins shine!glitterpumpkins

Spray adhesive and glitter can do wonders for adding glamour to your Halloween!

pumpkin decorating

You could also paint a dollar store pumpkin white, search for wallpaper images online, print them on regular paper and decoupage them onto your pumpkin.  It’s kind of like wallpapering your pumpkin!

Lastly, what’s better than an Anna and Karl pumpkin duo?  Think outside of the box, and add accessories to your pumpkins to really make them come to life!

anna wintour karl lagerfeld

How fabulously festive!  What’s your favorite?

Fashion: Peplum Trend

Hi everyone!  So I’m finally recovering from my recent trip to Japan.  Looking back on the business trip, I don’t know I managed the jet lag combined with pregnancy fatigue and 12 hour working days.  But I’m glad I powered through and mostly, I’m glad to be back.  Home sweet home!   The 12 -14hour sleeping sessions where I slept like a sloth immediately after my trip definitely helped with my recovery and I’m starting to once again feel human again.

Now that I’m awake enough to focus on important matters other than sleep deprivation my attention has diverted to a fashion love of mine – peplum.  The peplum trend is here to stay.  I love this frilly and feminine trend and wrote about this last year here.  I’m still seeing it everywhere and it seems that the trend has really caught on with the public.  Here are some of my favorite images from designers these days.  Click through my original Pinterest link if you’re interested in learning more.  And tell me, how much longer do you think this peplum trend is here to stay?







And here are fellow Chictopian’s peplum posts by Voodoo_Mary and next by Fashberries



© 2025 Stylishly Stella