Fab Freebie: Lucky Magazine Subscription

For its first holiday season, FabGabBlog will be running a series of giveaways.  This week’s Fab Freebie is a 1-year subscription to Lucky Magazine.

All you have to do is:

  • leave 3 comments anywhere in the blog
  • link back to fabgabblog and leave a comment with the link (this would count as your 4th comment).  i.e. link to fabgabblog through facebook, your own blog, twitter, myspace etc.  does anyone still use Myspace?? haha

I’ll choose a random winner in the next couple days, contact the winner over email to retrieve the contact info for the subscription and that’s it!

Must be a U.S. resident.

Good luck!

  1. Heather S says:

    Sweet! I adore Lucky it’s my favorite fashion mag. I’m having a similar giveaway on my blog!

    1. fabgab says:

      I’m doing a series of NY fashion week goody bag giveaways starting now so come back and visit fabgabblog.com!

© 2025 Stylishly Stella