Fab Kids: Mommy and Me Fashions

I hope you moms out there had a very happy mother’s day.  Mine was pretty perfect with a beautiful brunch outdoors by Rockefeller Center, a stroll through Saks and midtown to enjoy the amazing weather and church with my honey and little one.  Here we are imitating the elephant we found on the pillow and then walking through Rockefeller Center afterwards.  She can imitate a handful of animals already at just 14months old (as well as identify 16 body parts and so much more)!  I’m a proud mommy.

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As you can see, Juliet and I shamelessly match one another.   I’ve been a little obsessed lately with matchy matchy mini-mes thanks to my fashionable mommy friends on Instagram.  They inspire me!  See below for a quick sample! (@babyellestyle, @chantelleyglitz, @fitriaris @Karlitchaa and @Mcmilllantwinsnmom in that order)

mommy and me fashion chantelleyglitz fitriaris karlitchaa mcmillantwinsnmom

To see more fabulous mini-me outfit pairings, see my Instagram account @fab_kids.  Or to see my own mini-me matching outfits, see @fabgabblog on IG.  

Also, if you haven’t already joined, follow my new FB page @fabgabblog and also @fabkids 

You’ll find more mommy and me outfit inspiration, sales and leads on where to find such fashions there.



  1. Mile says:

    Where can o find same matching ?? For me and my princess

    1. fabgab says:

      Hi Mile, usually, I just keep an eye out for coordinating fabrics. See my latest post for another matching mommy and me outfit inspiration just using the same mustard color and black leather bottoms. But kavensnest does sell mommy and me matching outfits and you can search Etsy.com with ‘mommy and me’ and shop there too! I hope this helps! Sorry for the late reply. I was away on vacation. Thanks for reading and commenting!

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