Fab Freebie -Goody Bag Giveaway 2

It’s my birthday, it’s my birthday.. I’m gonna giveaway a goody bag like it’s my birthday!

So it’s time to announce the winner of my blog’s very first goody bag giveaway! “Samafee,” congratulations!  You are the lucky winner of the Bliss goody bag with goodies from NY fashion week.  I’ve just contacted you as the winner and now to celebrate my birthday today, I’m giving YOU my readers, another chance to win!

Goody bag/makeup purse which includes:  brooch, foaming bath gel and Revlon cosmetics.

All you have to do to enter to win is:

  • 1entry point for every time you post on FB “I love this style blog, www.FabGabBlog.com!”
  • 1entry point for every time you post onTwitter “I love this style blog, www.FabGabBlog.com!”
  • 1 entry point for every time you mention and link to FabGabblog.com in your blog

Lastly, you MUST comment here to let me know the url of where I can find your entry posting.  Good luck!

Deary Darling is the winner of this goody bag giveaway.  I’m having another in November so check back for another chance to win!

  1. miso says:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY! it’s still the 22nd in CA!

    1. fabgab says:

      Hey Stella, I didn’t know you were even reading my blog until now. You need to comment more to let me know you were here!
      thanks for the birthday wishes.

    1. fabgab says:

      thanks for the facebook post and stay tuned for a whole series of goody bag giveaways!

  2. Casey says:

    Great Giveaway! Happy Be-lated Birthday! I tweeted about this @MissLeeThatsMe



    1. fabgab says:

      Thanks for the tweet! And good luck!

    1. fabgab says:

      thanks for the birthday wishes. And good luck on winning the goody bag!

    1. fabgab says:

      awesome, many thanks!

    1. fabgab says:

      great, thanks for tweeting, Andra!

    2. fabgab says:

      somehow that link brought me back to my FB home page…

    1. fabgab says:

      You’ve WON!!! Congrats!
      Please email me with your shipping address and I’ll send it to you Monday. If I get your address later, I may have to send it after vacation. congrats again!!

  3. liz says:

    Hi, gorgeous giveaway. Please enter me.
    I spread your giveaway here http://pintaliztiirene.blogspot.com/2010/09/hello-september-hello-new-luck-and-say.html

    Good luck for me and everyone 🙂

    Anw, i also have giveaway, it is F21 statement ring.
    Have time, or want to try your luck? Join it. Cause merrier is more fun.


    1. fabgab says:

      sorry but I don’t see my blog’s link or goody bag giveaway picture posted in that link. Perhaps you posted the wrong link?

  4. cindy says:


  5. Bhav says:

    I posted on FB.

    (My last post had the wrong link..pls delete it)

    1. fabgab says:

      Thanks and good luck!

  6. hi, thanks for setting up a lovely giveaway
    I’m your follower

    NAme: Heli’♥beauties

    e-mail: helenmok98@hotmail.com

    URl: http://helibeauties.blogspot.com/

    So i hope i’ll be the winner.

    I’ve added you to my right side bar.
    fB :http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home

    have a nice day

    1. fabgab says:

      Hi Barb,
      make sure to check back for more. I’m hosting a series of goody bag giveaways. right now, I also have a vintage dress giveaway too. http://fabgabblog.com/2010/09/styling-a-vintage-dress/

  7. Cheryl says:

    Hi! I tweeted about this here: http://twitter.com/#!/ch3ryl89/status/27801250537

    Thanks for your giveaway, Happy Belated Birthday!!!!!

    1. fabgab says:

      Hi there! thanks and make sure to check back for more. I’m hosting a series of goody bag giveaways. right now, I also have a vintage dress giveaway too. http://fabgabblog.com/2010/09/styling-a-vintage-dress/

    1. fabgab says:

      thanks and make sure to check back for more. I’m hosting a series of goody bag giveaways. right now, I also have a vintage dress giveaway too. http://fabgabblog.com/2010/09/styling-a-vintage-dress/

  8. Anu says:

    I posted on FB
    Anu Roininen

  9. Monik says:

    Link about this giveaway on my blog here.

    1. fabgab says:

      great, thanks!

    2. fabgab says:

      What an amazing round-up – thanks for the inclusion! and check back for more I’ll have a series of goody bag giveaways throughout the year. And on this blog, I have a vintage dress waiting to be won right now too!

    1. fabgab says:

      great site! thanks for the plug. remember there is also a vintage dress giveaway on my blog.

    2. fabgab says:

      Hi there, the last winner was not able to reply in time so you are the new winner of the fabgabblog goodybag giveaway. All you have to do is email me with your shipping address and then once received, blog about your winning with a link back to fabgabblog.com.
      Feel free to email me at info@fabgabblog.com and you’ll have your prize in about a week!

  10. Thifa says:

    I’ve added a link to your giveaway on my sidebar http://student-kitchen.blogspot.com/

    1. fabgab says:

      great! contest ends tomorrow. good luck!

  11. Kayla B says:

    I blogged about this giveaway. http://www.myspace.com/noir06/blog

  12. shala_darkstone says:

    Here’s my tweet – http://twitter.com/shala_darkstone/status/29297913335
    Thanks for the great giveaway!

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