New Sponsor: Clipta & World Fashion TV
I’m excited to announce a new partner/sponsor for FabGab, Clipta. It’s an online video search, sort of a Google for video that will at first focus on our favorite category – FASHION! Here’s an excerpt featuring licensed content from World Fashion TV.
Covering the latest trends, news and the most recent shows from famous designers along with exclusive events, backstage stories and interviews, it’s a site that will pull you in with all the glam visuals and insider access. Check it out! The first time I was on the site, I found myself browsing for a half an hour.
You’ll also notice that FabGab’s banner is clickable at the bottom of their page. Which brings me to also announce that FabGab clickable banners of all sizes are now available for those of you who would like to add FabGab to your blogroll. (Thanks to Nile Flores from whom I highly recommend for any of your webmaster and graphic design needs!)
Feel free to contact me at if you’re interested in a link exchange.