Fab Decor: Office Space

Working in events marketing and promotions means my workplace is filled with random objects.  Besides the lookbooks, catalogs, signs and brochures, various non-traditional office items can be found.  Here is an exemplary list of things that make my office a famous stopping ground on the way to the company cooler.

  • wigs and costumes (for street promotions – I had an entire closet bursting with this stuff at my last workplace which made everyday seem like Halloween and made everyone want to stop and play dress up)
  • clothes and accessories (for fashion shows which make me crave a “you can look but don’t touch” sign)
  • CDs (I often double as the event’s DJ and have to choose the music for special events.  Finally, my age-old Columbia House membership has come to good use!)
  • raffle baskets and prizes galore (this could mean anything from a giant Estee Lauder beauty basket sitting on my desk to giant stuffed animals sitting in my extra chairs)
  • fake mustaches, top hats and other crazy props (for a photo booth, not for me.  Really.)
  • tiaras and princess rings (for a kid’s princess party.  Again, I have the silliest time convincing others that these are not for me but for a future work event.)

Naturally, co-workers are tempted to interrupt  me at every walk-by.  They can’t seem to resist inviting themselves in, trying on a tiara or top hat and giggling their way through each new discovery.  I’ll have to post pictures of my office area at some point so you can see what I mean.  But ’til then, I thought I’d post some pretty photos of work spaces that have me yearning for a little more organization and inspired storage space.

Eileen Josephine on Flickr posted the above photo.

Above and below are images from “decorology” on flickr.  It looks like we’ve got a craft-er here.

the above photo is from bella life blog

the above image is from design sponge

above photo from made by girl

Now if only I could figure out a way to store all my strange office stuff without inviting the constant curiosity-peeked interruptions….

Tell me, what does your work space look like and what are your tips on keeping it look tidy and neat?

  1. carl says:

    Decorating home office with large space is easier since you won’t think of space-saving solutions, plastic boxes are great help to keep unnecessary items.

  2. Ruby Finn says:

    Although not a priority, aesthetics is considered important when creating a makeshift office at home. Nevertheless, thanks for these inspiration photos.

    1. fabgab says:

      Thanks for your comment!

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