FabCam – New York Fashion Week

As part II to my earlier Spring 2012 New York Fashion Week fashionistas post, this post will feature fashionistas caught by my FabCam.  For those of you who don’t already know, I shoot fellow fashionistas whose style I admire and take interest in.  There’s no fashion bashing here.  It’s all love!

Below is a lovely blonde who was wearing what looked like a vintage-styled blouse with Fall’s trendy snakeskin and the Valentino shoes that I’ve been dying for.

The blonde pictured above is a fellow blogger.  What caught my eye about her (besides her striking beauty) was that striking leather jacket.  But I love how she paired it with a swingy, simple dress, cute booties and a clutch that offered a bright pop of color.

Okay, so there are a lot of blonde beauties walking the tents of New York Fashion Week.  This one was a bit of a risk taker.  Check out those shoes!  They’re what I’d imagine an ultra-fabulous astronaut might rock.  I thought her outfit was super fun in that stunning color with the polka dots peeking out – polka dots are super trendy this fall.

I’m looking at this one and I’m thinking, model?  She certainly had the height and skinniness down and like much of whom you saw within the tents was some amazing eye candy.  Don’t you love her mustard colored Prada?  Mustard is a trend color this fall and this girl included it with professional ease.  The little fitted jacket looks great with the printed dress (is that Missoni?) and paired with those funky boots.

If you’re a regular reader, you know how I love Chanel purses and the black and white color theme so it’s no wonder this fashionista’s outfit caught my eye.  In Rachel Zoe’s words, those booties are “ba.na.nas!”  Readers, you should know that I’m up for selling my Chanel, calf-skin, chain-link purse.  just click here to check it out!

Since I’m on a roll with the blondes, I figured I’d make it the running theme of this FabCam post.  This lovely blonde reminded me of me.  She made a boo boo under her left knee!  I wore a band-aid like this for weeks after falling in my heels.  I blame the uneven concrete sidewalk.  (should have sued lol)  But ok back to the fashion.  Do you not love the mix of rough and casual (i.e. the military jacket) next to the elegant silk sheath and sparkly necklace?  Talk about casual cool.

Ok so who is your favorite?

If you were featured here, please leave a comment and tell us who you’re wearing and how much you paid for each item!  Adoring fans want to know!


Click here if you’d like to win a goody bag from New York Fashion Week!




Fab Fetes: Diffa 2011 Part 2

In my last Diffa post, I showed you how different designers created mealtime masterpieces out of the same 10’x10′ space.  I had so many photos that I had to split up the upload into 3 entries.  Here is part 2!

Everyone has seen tree centerpieces but what about an acid green one?  I loved the customized polka-dot rug.

When I stopped by this booth, I was so busy looking at the tulip centerpiece sitting on top of a rose platform and noticing how the cool blue in the plates was echoed above that I didn’t notice the faux cityscape painted faintly onto the sheet backdrop.  Here’s a close-up of the centerpiece.

I found it peculiar how they deliberately untucked the spoon at each place setting.  From here on out, I made it a point to check out the variety in napkin folding and tableware placement and found that just focusing on this one detail could result in a multitude of inspirations and ideas.

The next patterned dining area by Echo knotted their scarf – like napkins, fitting for this company.

Here is the fuller view.  What do you think?

And for a royal wedding viewing party, here is the perfect dining table.  Check out the dinner plates!

This next sunny table design featured asymmetrical linens with tableware laid across the plate.

I loved the scalloped chargers and furry seat cushions.

The video better allows you to appreciate the changing background.

This  next pure white design reminded me of something you might find in a loungey Miami restaurant.  My favorite feature was the upside down tree branch centerpiece with white flowers.  I’ve seen attached flowers to branches but never feathers.  Unique!

Did you notice the cotton-filled clear canister centerpieces?

The Coke sponsored table of course featured red Coke bottles and one red chair amongst the white chairs.  It also echoed the red/white theme with red tipped napkins and bottle-like textured plates and overhead lights.  Centerpieces were clear glass Coke bottles.  Smart!

For more on the Coke concept and details from the design group, check out this video.

Which one was your favorite?

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