5 Things I Didn’t Know About the NY529edu (That YOU Should)


Securing your financial future may not be the sexiest topic but it sure makes sense to seriously think about it when you realize that kids’ college tuitions are just getting pricier each year. (Did you know that currently it takes about $75k / year for a student to room, board and attend NYU for instance)?  Per year, you heard me right…. Us blogging moms learned all about this at the recent MomTrends ny529edu event with NY 529 who was there to helpfully explain this powerful savings plan.

momtrends, chef, kids cooking, kids chef hat

Luckily I have a financial guru (my brainiac husband who also works in finance) who was smart enough to start a NY 529 as soon as our daughter was born. So I knew the major benefit was tax savings. Your earnings grow federally tax-deferred, and qualified withdrawals are tax-free. But there was still so much that I needed to learn!

ny 529, ny schools, ny529edu

Here are 5 things I didn’t know about the state – subsidized, higher education savings plan:

  1. The money can be used not just for college but for: post graduate programs, vocational and post secondary trade schools, books, supplies, equipment, computers, and certain room and board fees
  2. Anyone can start one (parents, grandparents, other relatives, friends—as long as he or she is a U.S. citizen or a resident alien) and with just $25 minimum
  3. There’s a link to send out for contributions in lieu of holiday and birthday gifts
  4. opening an account takes as little as 10 minutes
  5. You can change the beneficiary, as desired, to a sibling, a relative, or even to yourself—should you choose to go back to school (it’s never too late for that either!).  So even if your child for some reason doesn’t end up needing the full amount, it can be transferred to someone who does need it!

While we were planning for our kids’ futures, the kids had so much fun planning our lunches!  The event was held at the ICE Institute of Culinary Education in Battery Park City and it was the perfect place for our kids to turn into chefs for the day!  Here is little J designing her own chef hat…of course she had to bedazzle it with gems, and color in purple and pink!  (SUCH a girly girl!)making chef hat, kids chef hat, kids cooking, princess outfit

She was so cute, telling me she was going to be just like Disney princess Tiana (who loves cooking in all the stories).   Here she is modeling her new chef hat, accessorized of course with the tiara she wore to the event!

kid chef, little chef, baby chef, cooking with kids, institute of culinary education

And here are all the little kids.  Who says there are too many cooks in the kitchen??


Lunch was surprisingly delicious!  These kids can cook for me ANYTIME!!  Thanks guys!

kids cooking, cooking party for kids

Now all I need to do is figure out how to get my daughter into one of my alma maters..Harvard? Yale? I hear both calling your name, little J!








Crafting With My Little Angel and Halos Oranges


I’ve always dreamed about leading arts ‘n crafts with my child one day and am so thrilled that my little one is into it.  I try to ensure that she has some sort of artsy exposure everyday whether that means an outing to one of New York’s many art galleries, installations and exhibits, or making sure she has hands-on art experience through class/school or at home.  So when Mom Trends and Halos invited us as one of the bloggers to join them at the Children’s Museum of Arts, we jumped at the chance to share some quality mommy and me time this Saturday!

crafting with food, halos oranges, arts and craft ideas, crafting with oranges They had the most ingenious crafts all incorporating their seedless mandarin oranges!

kids crafts, crafts for toddlers, crafts for kids, crafting ideas

Together, we made a bird, a bunny and even a potted flower!

kids crafts, crafting with oranges, mandarin oranges, halo oranges

fWho would have thought to craft with food but orange you glad you now know??  (sorry I had to insert that corny children’s joke)!


Seriously though, how cute are these creations, all made with some construction paper, glue dots, googly eyes, straw, cupcake liners, and pipe cleaner – basics that any crafter at home most likely already owns! Juliet loved it!


We already love Halos oranges because they’re sweet, seedless and easy for toddler hands to eat and peel.  They’re such a healthy non-GMO alternative to the many unnatural, processed snacks out there.  Plus they make for great on-the-go, packable treats!  I also learned through the event, that “Pure Goodness” is Halo’s motto.  Halo spreads goodness through their charitable work. They contribute more than $2 million annually to kids’ education, they partner with Feeding America to provide healthy fruit, and they support solar power usage and water conservation.  They’re good to families, communities and the land!  Kudos to them!  That’s a halo well-deserved


And the food.  Can we talk about the Halo orange – infused FOOD?!  I’m getting hungry as I type and look at these pictures remembering all this deliciousness.  Fruity pizza cookie made with pomegrante seeds, oranges and pistachios atop a frosted sugar cookie?  YES PLEASE!  Orange infused cider, chocolate covered orange slices, mandarin salsa, spring salads and smoothies?


Uh can I go back right now for MORE?!  IMG_1220

Luckily, they sent us all home with a bag of oranges, a craft kit and all the recipe cards to replicate this tasty experience at home.  I’m definitely trying this prosciutto bruschetta bite below!


Is anyone else’s mouth watering now??

Thank you to the team at MomTrends and Halo for inviting us to such a fun mommy and me experience!  We enjoyed the day at the museum (see my IG feed and stories), learned so many great things about Halo and had a memorable day crafting away!

nyc bloggers, nyc mom bloggers, mom trends, halo orange, seedless orange, mandarin orange


This is a sponsored post but all opinions as always, are 100% my own.















© 2024 Stylishly Stella