Style Stalker – Featured Profile 1

Every week, I’m featuring a style star whose style I’m personally intrigued with and /or inspired by.  This week, it’s a bow-fanatic named Breanne, aka “Flattery”.

She’s too cute isn’t she?  (and stylish beyond her years).  Somebody pluck her out of the Canadian grocery store where she currently works and give her a styling position!  Here are her answers to my questionnaire.

Age: 18

Location:   Canada

Profession:   Student/I work part time at a grocery store

Fashion Ambition: To have a carefully selected wardrobe that never gets old.

How would you describe your style?

Romantic, everyday, casual and feminine.

What are your fashion goals when dressing yourself?

Usually it is just simplicity with maybe one thing that stands out or makes the outfit different; like a bold colour or accessory.

What’s the image you feel you portray?

I feel like I don’t always portray one image. Sometimes I’m really girly and dolled up, other times I’m maybe a little darker and less feminine.

What’s your reason for recording and posting your outfits (on in such a dedicated manner?

I really like the whole community of online blogging, and it’s no secret that blogging has a lot to offer to the fashion and art world. I like being a small part of it all.

If you don’t take the photos yourself who takes your outfit pictures and how do you convince  him/her?

Sometimes I take them myself, but when I don’t, it’s either my mom or sister. The hardest thing to convince them to do is come outside in -30 weather just to take a couple of pictures, but I just ask nicely and they are semi-happy to oblige.

What spring trend are you most looking forward to?

Mostly colour trends. I really want more crème articles of clothing to mixmatch with different pastels. I’m also looking forward and hoping for some more original or unique flats to wear this spring.

What’s your personal definition of being fabulous?

Haha, not sure if I ever use that word but…perhaps it’s just being able to pull off just about anything, maintaining class and being unique.

What do you wear that instantly makes you feel fabulous?

I love my black full highwaisted skirt from It honestly makes anything look good.

  1. emetsRala says:

    i genuinely love your own posting choice, very exciting.
    don’t give up as well as keep creating as it just that is worth to follow it.
    impatient to see even more of your current writing, have a good one!

    1. fabgab says:

      Thanks for the nice comment. I will be trying to update at least 4times a week so keep checking back or subscribe so you get automatic updates! Just wondering since the site is new, how did you find out about my site?

  2. Jessica says:

    This is a great first “featured profile”! This girl is so beautiful and has such a cute wardrobe.

    I came across your blog on a Lookbook thread and I would love to be featured on your blog! Send me a message if you’re interested, girl! : )

    1. fabgab says:

      Yea, I love that she makes the bow her iconic look. I’m glad you found me through Lookbook and let me know. It’s nice to meet and hear from my fellow lookbook members! For details on how to be entered into the contest for the next featured style stalker feature, please see for details on how to be considered. If I like your style (leave me your url), I will feature you in the order with priority given to those who have made the most comments in my blog entries.
      So start commenting!

  3. flatteryfan says:

    This girl isn’t just cute she is beautiful. I have such a fetish for her. Look at that face and those eyes! Wow! If she were my girl she would be treated like a queen. She would never have to work again, just shop, dress very sexy and be pampered all day. My god she is perfect. Angels exist I just didn’t know they were hiding in Winnipeg who would have ever thought that?

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