Style Stalker – Featured Profile 2

From my last online contest, I’ve chosen Jersey Ferrari as my next featured profile.  She’s a fellow Chictopia member who tracks her outfits online with photos and outfit descriptions, sort of like my style diary.

Name: Jersey Ferrari

Age: 19

Location: New York

Profession: Theatre student

Fashion Ambition: Petite Model

How would you describe your style? it’s me. that is the easiest way to put it and i know it seems vague, but i am outgoing, bright, ambitious, beautiful, strong – i believe that my personality comes through my style.

What are your fashion goals when dressing yourself? TO FEEL GOOD. to this day, people tell me that i am dressing for others. NEVER. i want to feel good in my skin, in my outfit, in the mirror; you get the point. my goal is to be able to wear my clothes (not let them wear me) and feel good doing it.

What’s the image you feel you portray? It varies look to look, but what I always make sure to show is comfort.   I struggle with comfort; physical and mental each and every day.   And even when I am not feeling it, I do this thing called, “faking it until you make it.” For some reason, comfort, not in a pair of shoes or a dress, but in one’s self, is the most important thing for me and when i walk down the street i want people to see that despite the struggle, i can be comfortable in my skin.

What’s your reason for recording and posting your outfits in such a dedicated manner? I came to Chictopia for a Forever 21 contest and I put up a look that did very well and I was hooked.   I finally got a camera and a tripod and educated myself with technology and found myself taking the runway, doing it my way and showing the world.  The sheer out pour of support is why i do it. i open up on my blog; it’s not all about the print or the fit. it’s fashion colliding with life and getting response from that is extraordinary.

If you don’t take the photos yourself who takes your outfit pictures and how do you convince  him/her? Before I got my camera, way in the beginning, my sister ((a 17 year old rock and roll chick)) had no problem taking them because she takes photography at her high school. now I do it myself with a tripod, but all of my friends LOVE and SUPPORT my blogs and are always willing to get a shout out.

What fall trend are you most looking forward to? I am happy to see that leather and velvet will be prime material for clothing! I love rich materials and will be searching for the perfect velvet crush dress.

What’s your personal definition of being fabulous? This question hits me like it hits no other. my friend, Emma Jane, committed suicide a little over a year ago.   She was days away from being 17.  I dedicated a post to her; being badass and adventurous like she would approve.  See, Emma IS my definition of fabulous. a girl who took fashion risks like no other.   That is the definition of FABULOUS.

What do you wear that instantly make you feel fabulous? Surprisingly, none of the luxury footwear (I have a shoe thing) or the designer treasures but my knock-off, worn to pieces, cognac suede Versace cowboy boots. with a vintage denim jacket, black skinny pants, a white tee with a sports bra; yeah, I look and feel unstoppable in those shoes. with a dress, a skirt, or all on their own 😉  They are my babies for life.

For more on Jersey Ferrari and click here for her full outfit postings.

If you would like to be the next style stalker feature, leave at least 2 comments in any of my posts with your photo url or blog.  If I like your style, you could be the next featured profile!

  1. Lisa says:

    Love your blog! You have fabulous style. I especially like your work outfits. I would like to be considered for your style stalker profile. I am a stylist, so the photos on my blog are of my work, not of me. But they definitely reflect my own personal style. Please check out my blog:

    1. fabgab says:

      You do have great style – I agree but my style stalker profile pages are reserved for those who photograph themselves while featuring their own styling.
      I enjoyed your blog though and hope that you become a subscriber.
      There is already a goody bag giveaway going on for new subscribers to my blog
      but keep coming back for more! There will be another one soon to celebrate NY fashion week.

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