Why I’m Never Sleeping In Again
Getting to sleep in as a mom is a forever unfulfilled fantasy so when my husband offered this morning to get Juliet ready for school and do the drop off for me so I could (for once) sleep in and hopefully rid this cold, I thanked him as profusely as my fatigued body would allow and felt comforted in knowing I had already done most of the prep work by laying out Juliet’s school outfit the night before. Fridays are easy for us. All J has to do is get dressed and go ‘cuz (hooray!) the school feeds her breakfast.
I slept in like a baby only to greet her back at home at the end of her school day in complete horror.
Apparently, my baby lived everyone’s worst nightmare and spent the whole day WITHOUT PANTS ON!! In a New York minute, she went from an award-winning ‘best-dressed’ baby (thanks for the recognition, Gymboree!) to a ‘what was she thinking?’ fashion DON’T. Totally embarrassed for her at the thought of her walking around all day without freakin’ pants on, I gave my well-meaning hubby a much – needed fashion lecture on the difference between tights and leggings. “Tights are NOT pants… haven’t we had this discussion before?” I asked in disbelief as I recalled another day when he dressed her in tights and a top and then pranced her all around Michigan Ave in Chicago. Below are the frightening pictures my husband happily texted me of J hanging out in the Disney store (notice again, no PANTS on, only TIGHTS). This was the first regretful nap that I took which allowed my very sweet but clueless husband to dress J and take her out.
Realizing that I need to start a new hashtag, #tightsarenotpants similar to the viral #leggingsarenotpants, I stood still, shocked and confused as to how anyone could style such a horrid outfit. Not only did she NOT have any skirt or pants on, she also clashed like chimes on a drum. And wasn’t matching the most basic of styling goals? What was he thinking?? I could understand if Juliet did not have much of a wardrobe to choose from but this is what he had to select from!
He could have chosen a myriad of different options while veto-ing my knee-high sock selection (which he attributes to having sparked his on-the-spot, mini-makeover).
This sparkly blue, pom pom sweater by H&M (that I found on sale for just $7) would have looked designer with the rainbow themed selections that I styled with it on the right. On the left, it ended up looking like some thrift store find crumpled up haphazardly with random layers and colors. Is he blind?!? How did my baby end up looking like such a hot mess when I perfectly laid out an entirely coordinated outfit for her the night before?
Oddly enough, his reaction to my fashion inquisition was pride. He was simply proud to have gotten her out the door on time and still to this day defends his selections. “That outfit was fine,’ he stubbornly replies. This defense and denial is what has left me no other choice but to blog about his ridiculous styling result. Is this a #mommyfail or a #daddyfail?? Readers, please chime in! For now, I’ve determined that I’m NEVER sleeping in AGAIN.
lol! luckily this little girl looks good in ANYTHING
OMG this is the funniest article I have read in a long time!
Please share!
haha this is hysterical