Fab Fetes: My Candy Bar Round-Up

As a follow-up to my earlier post where I blogged about my fashion freebie, a turquoise scarf that I planned to wear at a work event, here is the event photo.  For Lafayette 148’s spring collection which featured turquoise and salmon colored outfits, I created a dessert table to match.  It featured branded rice-krispy treats, coral colored rock candy sticks, turquoise wraped chocolate balls, a teal and coral cupcake tower, teal M&Ms and more.  Check it out!

The rented damask linens are from Cloth Connection.  They perfectly matched my step and repeat.  (And my dress for that matter!  Can you believe this dress is from my high school days?) hah I can’t believe I still fit into it.   And I bet you can’t believe I still have it!

The black bling plates are from Michael’s and I find a hundred uses for them. Candy was from Candy Warehouse.  Cupcakes and custom rice krispy treats are from a local Long Island bakery called My Cookie Jar.

Next up is an orange themed dessert bar that was inspired from St. John’s orange spring fashions.  Again, the linens are from cloth connection, cupcakes from My Cookie Jar and this time, the candy was purchased at our mall’s candy shop. You should’ve seen the cashier’s face when I showed up at the register holding 12 bags of orange/peach candies.

orange dessert barAnd what’s a fashion event without a beautiful model?

The next and last post to this candy bar themed entry is a fun prom party candy bar, also created for work.  Since it was a party geared mainly towards teens and since the event focused on various multi-colored fashions, I designed a candy bar in vibrant rainbow hues.

Using the same damask linen, bling plates, and step and repeat, I added some branding, fashion (with the cute Kate Spade bow heels), and bright pops of color all over.  The colorful, multi-colored candy sticks, chocolates and candies all came from candywarehouse.com and served to attract passerbys who couldn’t resist the lure.  Here, one of my models poses after the fashion show.

Aren’t the models cute??  They were awesome and we were all thrilled that they agreed to volunteer their time to benefit the charity partner LICADD.

For more on dessert bars and for my tips and how-tos, click here!

  1. Candy Warehouse says:

    Thanks for the mention Fab Gab. Looks like it was a great event…. beautiful! The Candy Elves, CandyWarehouse.com

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