Street Style Postings
A surprising number of social networking sites are now dedicated to street fashion and personal style.  They allow those obsessed with fashion to post an outfit, review another’s and generally be inspired by street fashion all over the world.  The only way my guy friend was able to relate to my particular obsession, was to come up with the closest equivalent of a that he could.  He likens the sites to the car-crazed sites where guys swoon over each other’s customized cars.  Guys inspire each other with rims, suspension and paint jobs while girls inspire one another with shoes, accessories and color matches…er at least that’s how he was able to understand things.

Ok this he gets.  Major relief.  If only I could get him to participate with my postings by serving as my fashion photographer.  The couple times, I’ve swallowed my pride and risked forever being seen as some vain poser, he begrudgingly obliged only after making a couple snide remarks, ultimately making me regret the proposition.  I’ve since bought a tripod.  Goodbye to trying to transform a boyfriend into a personal photographer and hello stealthy solitary photo shoots!

Asian Anna Wintour

My favorite way of passing time while traveling is to pour over every fashion magazine available that month.  I furtively flip through airport bookstore stacks and during flights I whiz through my personal pack until I reach fashion delirium and my head gleefully spins with outfit inspirations, color combinations and trend forecasting.  Happily, I devour the fashion editorials, study the hair and makeup, admire the models, search for trends, and dissect the advertisements. Oh yes, and I read the articles too. I actually read every page – advertisement taglines included.

photo from wednursedead

This may seem quizzical to some but I thoroughly enjoy every aspect of fashion magazines and can’t help but stop to notice and admire every simple detail. I’ll notice the color theme and formatting of each page’s layout, I’ll  scan ads and notice gorgeous backdrops and exquisite lighting, I’ll even question the casting for photo shoots and I”ll challenge myself by asking how I would have styled that same scene/outfit. Obviously, I should have worked for a fashion magazine and grown up to be Asian Anna Wintour.

But alas, my fate was to grow up in MI where I was shown only the most traditional career routes. Be a doctor like dad, teacher like grandma or full-time mom like well, mom. I didn’t grow up with the luxury of reality TV shows that opened my eyes to professions that didn’t have the obvious college major match. I didn’t know what fashion PR was back then. I didn’t know anyone that worked for a fashion magazine. I didn’t even know you could make a career out of planning events for fashion companies.

My mom would have disowned me if I had tried to even consider a career in fashion anyways. She was always on my case for spending too much time reading fashion magazines and not enough time reading the local newspaper. “Bo-ring!” or so my teenage self secretly thought…

Yea, so I’m no intellectual. I’m a self-confessed fashionista with no hope for a cure. Recent conflicts with my boyfriend over the importance of fashion in my life have spurred these introspective thoughts and have motivated these blog entries. So here I have it, my very own little cyberspace in which I can relish, rant and rave about all things fashion. Launching during Fall 2010 NY fashion week seems oh so appropriate. Maybe just maybe this blog will help legitimize my love for and life’s need for fashion.

© 2024 Stylishly Stella