Fab Kids: White Party for Toddlers

I admit it.  I’ve become that crazy mom who is constantly planning lavish parties for her little one.  You would have thought I was planning a wedding with as much thought, time and energy I invested into my daughter’s first birthday.  See for yourself here.  I was dead set on making it the best birthday she’d never remember.  And on a budget.  And all by myself.

And now that her next birthday isn’t for another 7months, guess what… I’m already on it.  I have the theme, venue, Pinterest board, invites, decor and even the paper plates ready to go.   Don’t believe me? Much to my husband’s dismay, all the paper products are stacked and in my hallway closet.  The party’s theme is animal themed if you must know.  Guests will get to initially take pictures with Leo the lion (Juliet dressed in costume).  There will be animal mask photo props for the photo booth area, the singing troupe will be leading singalongs only with songs with animals in the lyrics, and themed foods will include hot dogs, animal crackers, and critter cupcakes – all designed with a strict vintage colored decor theme.  Juliet’s party animal friends are going to roar with delight.

And as if that weren’t crazy enough, I’ve been dreaming of other party themes that I could have Juliet host during the inbetween months now until her birthday. Because you know, you can never have enough parties.

Already I’ve got Juliet hosting a back to school party this September with my FB page “Fab Kids”(check it out now and give it some love).  Yes, she’s only 1.5 years old but yes she’s going to school this fall semester so why not celebrate?!  We’re requiring all the guests (babies and toddlers that is) to dress as nerdy as possible.  Think glasses, suspenders, bowties and pocket protectors.   It’s all about the fashion after all!  AND I already have Juliet’s outfit planned.

Those of you who follow me on Instagram already know that we’ve already hosted a (toddler) white party – P Diddy style where all guests showed up in white.

white party

White for a picnic playdate you say?  Deal with it.  Fashion is impractical.  It’s best kids learn that lesson early on.

Here is Juliet greeting her guests


Look at our little ones breaking bread and communing with one another (while wearing Chanel)….

toddlers and babies wonder where P Diddy is

 “Wherever did you get those shoes!  I Die.”IMG_9619

You’ve gotta look fab while you’re having fun!

white party instagram.com_2014-08-15_00-57-38 instagram.com_2014-08-15_00-58-50

The kids had a load of fun playing with the park’s toys and enjoying story time and singalongs.  And I think a few passerbys and gawkers couldn’t help but vicariously enjoy the fun too.

All we needed was for P.Diddy to show up.  Ah well, there’s always next year.

Stop by Facebook to vote on details for our next NYC mommy and me meetup.  Nerds Rule!

And follow us on Instagram @Fab_Kids for outfit inspiration for your minifashionista!

While you do that, I’ll be planning my next, next party.  I’m thinking Haute Halloween… fashionable halloween anyone??

Inspiration Boards : Superhero Party

Check out these powerful, comic strip style fashions.  They’re sure to give your wardrobe the kick in the ass it needs to rescue it out of its doldrums.

superhero comic strip style fashion

It seems everyone from Phillip Lim to Forever 21 are jumping on the superhero trend which has inspired me to create this themed inspiration board for a superhero Halloween or birthday party.

superhero party

For a truly super time, invite all the guests to show up as their favorite superhero or comic strip character!


Set up a photo booth and encourage guests to zap a photo of themselves in power poses.  Provide props like capes, eye masks and lightning bolts.   If you want to serve more than desserts, your menu could include things like,  “power pasta,” “strengthening steak,” “flying fajitas” etc.  For more ideas and for all the printable items featured in the collage above, check out wants and wishes!


© 2024 Stylishly Stella