Stalk Anna Wintour at Vogue – Just Pay For It

A coveted insider’s look into the glamourous, “Devil Wears Prada” (Vogue) is on auction NOW.    If you’re willing to unload some cash for some firsthand fabulosity, you can spend a week in Vogue’s offices!  “Tailored to the individual interests and skill set of the auction winner, the week at Vogue” will benefit the RFK Center.   “As part of this experience, the winner of this dream package will get to attend a fashion show during New York’s Fashion Week” and receive the following:

  • The September Issue DVD
  • In Vogue
  • Vogue Living: Houses, Gardens, People
  • The World in Vogue: People, Parties, Places
  • The Teen Vogue Handbook

For many, living and breathing Vogue for 1 week is a fashion fantasy come true.  I know it would be for me.  According to the online charity site, the next bid is going for $2100 (with increasing bid increments at $250).  In my mind, I’ve already calculated that that’s worth a new shiny Chanel purse and with the bidding having just started, it could soon increase to an entirely new Chanel wardrobe!  It just started yesterday and goes on through the end of the month.  And get this, they say that the package is valued at a whopping $10,000.  Let’s see how much fashionistas are willing to spend.

If I were able to pay for this overpriced package, here are the things that would be on my to-do list.

  • Follow Anna Wintour around like a lovesick puppy and shamelessly marvel at her fabulousity all day
  • Hide Anna’s sunglasses so I could see her real reactions to everything
  • Photograph all the fashionistas at Vogue and post here so you could all see what Vogue-ettes really wear each day of the week
  • Play dress -up in that famous closet and then beg to borrow/keep things everyday until someone finally gives in
  • Taste everything in their famous cafeteria and try to feed the skinny bitches around me
  • Attend a photo shoot, help style it, then beg for freebies
  • Create a personal photo shoot for Anna and yours truly

Did I miss anything?  What would be on YOUR list of to dos?

To read more on why I think I’m the  Asian Anna Wintour read more.

To read more on why Anna was at my Alma mater, Harvard, click here

  1. Ashleigh says:

    I can’t believe they’re auctioning this, how exciting. Unfortunately my budget won’t allow me to participate but someone will be getting the experience of a lifetime! I just watched ‘The September Issue’ last weekend and loved seeing the inner workings. Anna is definitely intriguing and I was loving Grace Coddington!

    1. fabgab says:

      Can you believe I have yet to see it? it’s funny you mention the “September Issue” ‘cuz my friend and I were planning to rent the DVR next weekend! I’ve heard similar opinions from others that Grace is the real star of that movie. I can’t wait to see it.

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